mid-year travel update

14 Jun 2017

As you can see, I haven’t updated this in a while. Maybe after I tell you what I’ve been up to, you’ll understand.

Since my last update, I spent the remainder of 2016 adventuring around California. I visited the south (LA, San Diego), hiked in the bay, and roamed around San Francisco some more. I also did a lot of homework. I took an intense course that started out with bits and floating point, and quickly escalated into caches, dynamic memory allocation, signals, and threads.


This year has been even wilder. My Spring semester course had an even heavier workload. However, what’s really making 2017 hectic is my travel schedule. So far, I’ve traveled to Houston three times, Dallas three times, Austin twice, Las Vegas, Miami, and Philadelphia. All while working and going to school. I still have to attend a convention in New Jersey, go on a vacation to Yosemite, and make more trips to Dallas and Houston.

Much of my travel falls into this category: friends’ weddings. Many of my closest friends are getting married this year. I attended two bachelorette parties and four weddings, and I still have two more weddings and one more bachelorette party to attend. Not a complaint! I know I am lucky to be able to attend and celebrate with my friends. Here is one of my favorite pictures from these celebrations. We bridesmaids were attending to the lovely bride before her professional photos were taken.


When not traveling for weddings, I travel for work and to see my family. However, my most recent trip to Philadelphia did not fall into any of these categories. I visited my old roommate before she moved back to Texas. A bit of a history lesson, this trip reminded me what the British-immigrants-turned-American went through and how they fought for what they believed in against a powerful empire. The picture below is from inside Independence Hall, where the Constitution was drafted and signed. In a time where much of the world was governed by monarchs, this country believed in individual rights and was first led man who peacefully give up his presidency for ordinary citizenship. In general, all my travel is making me re-appreciate the beauty of the United States of America. It is home to all kinds of climates and nature, it accepts and adopts all cultures, and its founding ideologies foreshadow its dedication to ethics and innovation. No matter how complicated the politics get.

independence hall

I also confirmed:

west coast, best coast

… but, the east coast is nice too.

Hopefully summer leads to more roaming and adventure, in addition to the travel I already have scheduled. Hopefully summer also leads to more blog posts…